What Exactly Is Dental Implant?
Implant is the general name of non-soft materials that are surgically placed in the body and used to correct various functional and aesthetic losses.
In dentistry, it is generally used to eliminate tooth deficiencies and to diversify the forms of prosthesis construction. There are also types of implants that used for crowding treatment (orthodontics).
Implants are made of titanium, which is a safe material that is not harmful to the body and does not show allergenic properties. They go through various processes and shaping to improve their adhesion to the bone, to prolong the period of staying healthy in the mouth, and to increase patient comfort during and after the surgical operation.
There are implants to be used according to the general health status of the patient, their age, number of missing teeth, position of missing teeth and jawbone structure.
Implants can be started and finished in the same session with the prostheses to be made afterwards, or prostheses can be made after a certain period of time (90 —180 days) later than the implant surgery. Implant procedures, which can be loaded in the same session, are more preferred by patients as they increase patient comfort because the procedures can be completed in the implant session and immediately after, and there is no need for second and third surgical procedures.